They don’t know what’s wrong with me
Some say I have ADHD
Others say it’s Attachment related
Their manual needs to be updated!
My problems stem from all my trauma
Unmet needs have caused disorder
My front brain hasn’t come on line
I’m stuck in survival all the time
My teacher said it’s ODD
I can’t allow control of me
I’m oppositional and defiant
As I’m used to being self reliant
Perhaps I have PDA
That’s why I push them all away
After that I reel them in
It’s the only way that I can win
Maybe I have ASD
I’ve not learned to do empathy
I line my stuff up in a row
Trying to get my brain to grow
The GP thinks it’s SPD
A referral to the new OT
It’s now official she has said
A weighted blanket for my bed
Lots of labels on my file
An EHCP for quite a while
An urgent request for therapy
Will CAMHS have the space for me
My personality is on the border
I’ve now got a new disorder
Taking meds late at night
So I can sleep without a fight
I only wish that they could see
What is truly wrong with me
It’s all Developmental Trauma
The rest are symptoms of the disorder
Sarah Dillon ©
Sarah Dillon, along with Sarah Naish and Jane Mitchell have written a book that will help you understand the behaviours behind the above diagnoses -

Lovely poem Sarah. I am sure like me, there are a lot of families who resonate with that experience. The answer to all those diagnoses is two more acronyms - PACE & TLC