The Therapeutic Parenting Podcast welcomes parents, children and supporting professionals to this first edition. Meet Sarah Naish, CEO and Founder of the Centre of Excellence in Child Trauma and the author of best selling books on Therapeutic Parenting. She and her team have built up an impressive array of services to help those whose lives are being torn apart by the consequences of early life trauma and neglect. You can find out where to go for immediate help and advice here on the podcast or here on the website. Sarah also explains the significance of our penguin logo and why it is such a relevant image for those parenting children who suffered early life abuse or traumatic experiences even before birth.
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Listen to the full episode now - Episode 1
The Centre of Excellence in Child Trauma is an umbrella organisation combining resources, research and knowledge from cutting edge experts in the sector – Inspire Training Group, National Association of Therapeutic Parents, Sarah Naish – Keynote Speaker and Author, The Haven – Parenting and Wellbeing Centre and Safer Fostering.
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