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It's Christmas!

The kids are on the ceiling so school’s just called again,

Jonny’s kicked the teacher and it’s only half past ten!

The nativity was yesterday but Jess just stood there silent,

The T/A was encouraging though Jess remained defiant.

She didn’t want to be a star, why was she not Mary?

Or even at a push, a pretty little fairy?

Then there was the party, cakes and crisps and sweets,

Followed by a meltdown in the middle of the street!

Jonny said he thought I was an an big fat ugly cow,

He wanted lots more sweeties and I’d better get them now!

All the other parents, were looking rather stunned,

Some offering ‘advice’ on parenting my Son.

I pasted on my fakest smile and told them I was fine,

Then thought about the evening and a glass or three of wine.

Finally we made it home though I almost had a crash,

Trying to deescalate the punch up in the back.

Then we had to find a time to write out stupid cards,

To hand out in the morning to all the kids in class.

Jess was very angry as the cards I’d bought were ‘crap’,

She ripped them all to pieces then sobbed upon my lap.

Jonny was in the living room, he almost broke the door,

The tinsel landed in the bin and tree was on the floor!

Somehow all was rescued though tea was slightly late,

Then Jess just sat there moaning about what was on her plate.

Thankfully we made it through to bath time, book and bed,

Then I sat down with a mince pie and lovely glass of red!

© Sarah Dillion, Founding Committee Member

1 Comment

Unknown member
Dec 08, 2020

This really made me smile, such a humerus insight to a day in the life off...... I'm going to share this with my foster carer colleges.


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