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Essential Guide to Kinship Care

  • 2 Steps
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All the essential information for kinship carers, connected persons and special guardians, delivered by Sarah Naish (CEO of CoECT), Gareth K. Thomas (Special Guardian & CoECT Trainer) & Enza Smith MBE (Kinship Carers UK). A quick hello and a run through of the various routes into kinship care. Taking things back to the beginning and thinking about where we start when it comes to kinship care. How to find safety in an unsafe system, looking at kinship/connected person options as a way out of the care system. Thinking about how we recognise our children's early life trauma, then looking as strategies to support working with these behaviours. If you purchased a ticket ahead of our conference an email of the recording will be sent to you. If you're a new participant and would like to access training, please select 'watch now' to create an account, purchase, and complete. Please note: this does not sign you up for any additional services. If you have any queries, please contact us on


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